Jesper Sand Damtoft appointed new chairman of INNO-CCUS

INNO-CCUS welcomes Jesper Sand Damtoft as the new Chairman of its Board. Damtoft, who is the Group Sustainability Director at Cementir Holding N.V., brings over 25 years of research leadership experience to this role. His involvement in the field of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) dates back to the early 2000s, and he has been a member of the INNO-CCUS Board of Directors since it was established in 2022.

Expressing his commitment to the mission of the partnership, Damtoft said, “In a short time, INNO-CCUS has become a robust partnership that brings together Danish knowledge institutions and companies with the aim of developing solutions that capture, store and use CO2 for the benefit of the climate. INNO-CCUS has already proven its value, and as the new chairman, it is important for me to reinforce the partnership’s continuous delivery of significant research and knowledge for solutions that help us meet the Danish climate goals.”

New Board of Directors and Composition
The new chairman was elected by the Board of Directors following the General Assembly in June, where new board members were appointed. The Board consists of ten members, equally representing knowledge institutions and industry, to ensure a balanced approach to governance and strategic direction.

The new composition of the Board comprises:

Knowledge Institutions

  • Lasse Rosendahl (Vice-chairman of the Board), Professor and Head of Department, AAU Energy
  • Jens Ejbye Schmidt,Head of Department, University of Southern Denmark
  • Henrik Hassing, Technical Vice President, FORCE Technology
  • Lars Nielsen,Deputy Director, Management, GEUS
  • Poul Nissen, Vice Dean for Research, Aarhus University


  • Jesper Sand Damtoft (Chairman of the Board), Group Sustainability and R&D Director, Cementir Holding N.V.
  • Søren Reinhold Poulsen, Head of Producing Assets and CCS, INEOS Energy Denmark 
  • Søren Eskelund Toft, Head of Product Innovation, Nature Energy
  • Jesper Ahrenfeldt, Chief Engineer, Stiesdal SkyClean
  • Bjørn Kofod, Product Manager, Pentair Union Engineering

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