Objective and hypothesis
The main objective of this project is to support and accelerate the deployment of Danish biomass pyrolysis to contribute to the following climate goals:
• INNO-CCUS climate targets: Contribute to a reduction of 0.2 m. ton CO2e per year in 2025 and 2-4 m. ton CO2e per year in 2030.
• Achieve 2 m. tonnes of CO2e in 2030 from a starting point in 2023 around zero, as stated in political agreements on the agricultural area.
The project is designed to support the realisation of political PyCCS/BCR climate goals by:
• Mapping and characterising the relevant resource base, value chains and market opportunities for deploying Danish biomass pyrolysis at sufficient scale.
• Analysing barriers, bottlenecks and drivers related to planning, constructing and operating Danish pyrolysis plants in different configurations and context.
• Identifying potentials to accelerate planning and deployment procedures based on historical experience with bio-energy technology and the current political landscape.
• Determining the climate- and environmental impact potentials of Danish biomass pyrolysis and securingconstructive alignment between impacts and representation
in various accounting and certification schemes.
• Analysing key stakeholder incentives in relevant biochar-production-and-use value chain configurations and increasing awareness and knowledge among key
stakeholder groups.
Expected impact/output
Societal impacts are obtained through the acceleration of deployment. Substantial impacts are related to avoiding direct GHG emissions, production of bioenergy and from soil effects. Economic impacts that can be highlighted include revenue from energy, climate impact, and benefits in the agricultural sector as well as the development of new value chains for a more circular and more bio-based economy. Also, large-scale deployment of pyrolysis in Denmark could potentially create up to 12,000 jobs. Finally, The Danish pyrolysis industry will benefit from the project as pyrolysis impact potentials are qualified by independent research institutions and barriers and bottlenecks are identified and addressed. The success of the project increases the possibility of making Denmark a leading exporter of pyrolysis technology.
Learn more about the projects Simply and BioStore in the webinar below.