Monitoring Fugitive emissions

Objective and hypothesis
The implementation of CCUS technologies poses a new risk for unwanted CO2 emissions within the new infrastructure. One of the main challenges related to geological storage is the lack of an efficient monitoring system that can ensure environmentally safe storage and handling of CO2 . The aim of this project is to provide an efficient monitoring system that can detect and quantify fugitive CO2 emissions from surface infrastructure as well as subsurface geological storage sites. The aim is to provide a monitoring system that can lead to reduced leakage from an estimated 5% to below 1%.

The project will combine drone monitoring, on-site monitoring, and satellite-based measurements. Additionally, the project will develop the necessary models needed for the efficient use of the three different measurement strategies.
The project will be structured in the following steps:

  1. Satellite data methods: Develop tools that can convert column-averaged CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere into CO2 emissions data, using atmospheric circulation models.
  2. Use drones for quantification of single source emitters and map CO2 emissions from facilities.
  3. Use well-known technologies for continuous monitoring in the vicinity of potential sources of fugitive CO2 emissions.
  4. Test the monitoring solutions under different scenarios, focusing on above-ground CO2 leaks and geological CO2 storage.

Expected impact/output
Demonstrating safe and environmentally sound storage is crucial for public acceptance of CCS, helping to mitigate ’not-in-my-backyard’ sentiments. By minimising leakage, the use of CCUS will have a more significant impact on climate change. It will also reduce potential health and environmental risks associated with leakage from CCUS infrastructure. Creating a capacity consisting of satellites, drones, and in situ observations is, therefore, a critical task for obtaining net zero emissions in general.