Objective and hypothesis
The aim of the project is to investigate how national CO2 and carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) infrastructure is impacted and impacts different energy system transition pathways, including impacts on the carbon balance and economic efficiency. This means that geographical placements
of CO2 infrastructure such as pipes, storages, capture and utilisation units will be investigated in combination with geographical knowledge of the surrounding energy infrastructure.
To investigate CCUS infrastructure, the project will analyse the location aspects of the technologies. This includes both onshore and offshore infrastructure. This is included as it is highly relevant for optimising large-scale CO2 storage, to understand the demand for carbon capture, as well as the potential infrastructural synergies between CCUS infrastructure and the energy infrastructure.
Expected impact/output
The project will contribute with the following results which create societal impact in terms of future implementation of CCUS infrastructures:
• This will include the placement of CCUS infrastructure
based on location analyses considering costs for point
sources, CO2 transport, storage facilities, utilisation and
synergies with the surrounding energy system.
• An assessment of different CCUS infrastructure
configurations in combination with the surrounding
energy infrastructure. This enables the project to identify
the best solutions for CCUS implementation to achieve
carbon neutrality and potentially a carbon negative