Objective and hypothesis
This project will identify the carbon capture/storage capacity potential in Odense Fjord, based on mitigative actions taking place both in the fjord and in it’s catchment area. This project is a pilot study for national upscaling. In addition, the project will outline diverse possible scenarios to optimise the use of nature-based solutions to increase carbon capture/storage capacity catchment-fjord system. This project is developed within a consortium of diverse public and private institutions as well as NGO’s and general citizens, with an interest or impact on Odense fjord (the “Odense fjord collaboration”). All activities associated to the consortium, are subjected to a co-creation process where partners are informed and contribute actively to ongoing activities. The overall aim of the present project is to create a Danish blue carbon capture roadmap, quantifying the carbon balances, as well as other positive environmental side effects generated when using native nature-based solutions (NBS).
The project combines machine learning techniques on satellite/aerial images with topographical data to classify nature maps, mapped river systems and fertilisation information obtained via the agricultural land-uses database in the catchment area of Odense Fjord. Using this method, the project can identify optimal lowland areas and buffer zones along watercourses, which are hotspots for carbon capture/storage. The project will also quantify the direct and indirect effects of the existing carbon hotspots through dynamic modelling in a pilot subarea of Odense Fjord’s catchment area as well as in Odense Fjord. Finally, the project will simulate potential upscaling scenarios where NBS are implemented to different areal extent and locations.
Expected impact/output
The use of included NBS as climate tools helps reduce climate effects, not only by increasing the carbon storage capacity but also by increasing the resilience of freshwater and marine habitats. As side effect, NBS contribute positively to other National agenda’s such as increasing biodiversity, contributing or reaching good quality status in Danish water bodies (WFD). Improving the existing habitats improves socio-economic conditions of the area, such as tourism and associated businesses as well as societal acknowledgement of the area, increasing the real estate demand and activating the local economy. The tool will open new markets and business areas as carbon accounting is expected to be in focus in an increasing number of marine projects. Furthermore, enhancing blue carbon capacity will increase carbon sequestration and foster balance in our coastal ecosystems.