Announcing 10 new INNO-CCUS projects

We are pleased to announce that we have funded 10 new projects as part of our mission-driven partnership in the field of CCUS research and innovation. These projects will make specific and impactful contributions toward achieving the Danish Climate goals.

Congratulations to all the project teams:

CASPER: Cement cArbon Storage Pilot for Emission Reduction
ASGREEN: Advanced Solvent with Green Regeneration by Electrochemical Energy and Nanotechnology
Green Twins: Green Twins – data-driven digital twin platform to reduce CO2 in industrial processes
INNO_SALT: Innovative Strategies to Address Salt Precipitation in CO2 Storage
BIOCHSTA: Documentation of long-term carbon stability in biochar
CapSim: Optimizing carbon capture simulation through advanced modelling tools
SIMPLY: Supporting Implementation of Pyrolysis via constructive alignment of Climate impact Assessment Methods, Goals, Frameworks and Incentives
UC-DC: Utilisation of carbon for decarbonisation
CHARBUILD: Biochar Integration in Building Materials: Enhancing Sustainability and Performance

INNO-CCUS is all about working together to create impact and accelerate the green transition. We look forward to joining forces with our new partners, who will further strengthen the INNO-CCUS partnership.