Cement cArbon Storage Pilot for Emission Reduction

Objective and hypothesis
The objective of the project is to evaluate the whole CCS value chain by demonstrating the full CO2 capture and storage value chain from a cement plant.

The evaluation of the CCS value chain from a cement plant entail capturing CO2 from Aalborg Portland. The project will capture and condition at least 20 tons of CO2 from flue gas during a campaign in 2024. Additionally, the project will measure the quality of the CO2 and compare it with existing standards relevant in 2024 and determine necessary post-capture processes needed in the full CCS value chain.
Finally, the project will evaluate the effect on impurities on CO2 transportation in a new 50 m-long CO2 pipe test facility owned by Evida to prepare for CO2 infrastructure that can be implemented in 2025.

Expected impact/output
The project will provide the first-ever evaluation of the CCS value chain from a cement plant and thereby introduce new knowledge to the sector.