Carbon capture Open tests and Review of Technologies

Objective and hypothesis
This project will test and demonstrate solvents and process technologies for carbon capture (CC) at Aalborg Portland and Ørsted and find the best-suited solvents and processes for different CC cases. The project will provide an overview and comparison of the different CC processes that are available today.

The project takes advantage of the CC pilot system owned by DTU, which can be reconfigured for the project’s purpose. Using the DTU-owned pilot, solvents (including proprietary solvents) can be tested and directly compared under different circumstances. For each solvent, a different optimal process configuration is expected, and the comparison is, therefore, not necessarily straightforward.

Expected impact/output 
The optimised conditions found in this project will benefit all the solvents tested, and achieve lower energy consumption on amine-based CO2-capture technology. The project will help CO2 emitters choose the best-suited solution for emission reduction and may also result in more CC installations in Denmark.