Tech Talk: Strategic CCUS Planning – mapping and modeling for future scenarios

INNO-CCUS and Energy Cluster Denmark are teaming up to host a series of events dedicated to advancing CCUS solutions. This Tech Talk will focus on the INNO-CCUS project CCUS-Infrastructures, offering valuable insights into different aspects of strategic CCUS planning, including long-term scenario development, mapping of CO2 point sources, and energy modelling.

Three project participants from Aalborg University will present their research and findings in the webinar, providing an overview of the challenges and opportunities in CCUS infrastructure development.



Storylines for CCUS in 2045/2050 – Iva Ridjan Skov, Aalborg University

Mapping of CO2 point sources – Steffen Nielsen, Aalborg University

Energy modelling of CCUS – Meng Yuan, Aalborg University


If this topic interests you, you can also sign up for our upcoming ‘CCUS Infrastructure’ workshop in Aalborg on 27 February 2025, where we will dive further into the theme of CCUS Infrastructure. Learn more and sign up here.

Event details